Green Shoots Forest School

At Green Shoots we specialise in Forest School, woodland crafts, woodland skills, wellbeing, and fun. We value creating a wholesome woodland experience where participants play, explore and thrive. We enable participants to develop an inquisitive and positive relationship with the natural world, and with others with whom they share it.

We believe in this process being centred around the participant and their choices, in a long term program of regular sessions. Concurrent sessions will enable participants the freedom to discover, play, explore and learn. They will succeed and develop confidence as well as self-esteem, through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland environment.

We follow, and highly value, the 6 principles of Forest School, as set out by the Forest School Association, which can be found here.

Who are we?

Green Shoots is run by Becky Green; mother of two, a qualified and experienced teacher, and Level 3 Forest School practitioner. Becky has a keen interest in the outdoors, and an unmistakeable passion for teaching and learning.

Green Shoots sessions at elfwoods

Green Shoots hold forest school sessions for children aged 2-12 years at elfwoods during school term-time on:

  • Thursdays 10am-12pm; or 1pm-3pm
  • Fridays 10am-12pm; or 1pm-3pm

Session dates in full, and more information can be found on our website.

Contact Details

To book a place on our sessions, please make contact through any of the methods below: